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Pros and Cons You Should Consider For Online Dating

LXP - Lifexpe - Pros and Cons You Should Consider For Online Dating App

Online dating is like playing a dart game in the dark; one can never be too sure about who they are meeting up with. However, there is a lot of luck also involved here. Therefore the ratio of success stories to unsuccessful ones is pretty much equal as well. But how can one simply choose to start dating online? The whole prospect of meeting a complete stranger is rather terrifying thus it is always recommended that you go over a pros and cons of online dating list thoroughly to help you make a better decision overall.


General pros

  1. Statistically speaking, research has found out that almost 1 out of every 5 relationships today tend to start online via social media outlets.
  2. The people bank is huge. So basically you have access to a variety of people from different localities and geographical regions that still have similar tastes to yours.
  3. Dating sites are available around the clock so you are not time bound at any time.


General Cons

  1. You can never be sure how true a person is. Basically anyone can lie about who they are as a person; what is their weight, height, likes, dislike, where are they from and so on.
  2. Sometimes online dating can feel like a full time job where you need to give in your very best to achieve high results
  3. Long delays and let downs can negatively affect one’s psyche and lead them into depression or low self esteem and image issues.

Another set of researchers known as Overall, Finkel and associates (2012) found out that online dating vary over three main aspects. These are further discussed below.


LXP - Lifexpe - Tips For Online Dating


  • Pro

When it comes to access, then online dating has provided people with a large pool of candidates to choose from. And the best part is that they are easily categorized and identifiable according to different types and orientations a person prefers.

  • Con

But sometimes having too many to choose from can prove overwhelming as well. With so many people to choose from, occasionally people are left wondering what they could get better than settling on any one person.



  • Pro

Dating sites is all about finding a partner with whom you are fairly compatible and the best way to find out this is by employing specific matching tests which seem to let people know who they will best fit with.

  • Con
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However, matching is not a very simple task and generic task. Different sites employ different matching methods which mean you can never be sure about the right method being employed.



  • Pro

This is probably the best feature of any dating site as it allows for people to run a trail run before actually meeting in person. With so many potential modes of virtually communicating, it helps the seeker understand their comfort level before physically investing in the other person.

  • Con

Computer based interacting is very limited in its own capacity as it lacks a lot of other factors that over rule in a face-to-face meet up. A lot of information gets misinterpreted or lost when talking virtually.


If you are an individual that is trying to decide whether online dating is the best tool for them or not, then you need to understand that online dating itself is just merely a tool before going out on a real date. Therefore it is never a good idea to associate any added expectations with online dating and get stuck on many different potential individuals that can be found online.



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