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Top 6 amazing health benefits of oysters

health benefits of oysters

Oysters are tasty molluscs which offer the human body a wide variety of exceptional nutrients and minerals thereby, it can provide a great impact on overall well – being. These consists of capacity of oysters to help in weight loss, support metabolic activities, raise tissue recover and regrowth, decrease the cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, boost your immune functions, as well as speed up the healing process and support healthy development. In addition, they are considered as a powerful aphrodisiac which can effectively promote blood circulation and strengthen bone’s health to lower osteoporosis.

There are various types of oysters, some are used for creating pearls which are not usually consumed by people. Other types whose name is Ostreidae will provide abundant health benefits when consumed. Edible oysters have been included in human’s diet for centuries. The edible compounds are in fact the meat inside the oyster which can be used to cooked in various ways. Check immediately 6 amazing health beneftis of oysters.

  1. Bone Health

The mineral ingredient, as we know, is considerably notable in oyster, and it is also a main contributor to the bone’s strengthening. The high amount of phosphorus, zinc, calcium, iron, selenium and copper will be great minerals to enhance the bone density and durability, therefore, they are able to protect you from being occupied by those conditions as osteoporosis.

  1. Immune system functions

Enhancing the immune system it another important health benefit of consuming oysters. The vitamin E and vitamin C ingredients plus different minerals will provide anti – inflammatory as well as antioxidant properties to secure the body from free radicals which are byproducts of cellular and metabolism. These harmful conditions can invade health organism and alter the DNA into cancerous units. These hazardous free radicals can also lead to heart diseases, body disrepair and premature aging wherever they occupy. Antioxidants and other nutritious vitamins have a great impact on removing these free radicals from the body, subsequently, enhance the immune system functions.

  1. Speed up the healing process

The exceptional amount of zinc in oysters can provide the human body with various health benefits which include faster healing process, enhanced immune system to fight back different infections and microbes. Since zinc is an incredibly significant mineral, it is good for proper development of children and teenagers as well as the sustainment of body function for elderly.

  1. Regulate the blood circulation and volume

In oyster, iron can be found galore. 90% of our daily requirements will be fulfilled in each serving. Since iron is the major component in the production of red blood cells in the body and main shield against anemia (iron deficiency). People who suffer from anemia may experience fatigue, stomach disorders, muscle weakness and cognitive malfunction as well. In addition, with a full contribution of healthy blood cells in the body, organ systems will receive great amount of oxygenated blood to regulate their movements, which consequently enables them to function efficiently and enhance the metabolism system as well.

  1. Heart Health

Oyster can provide high amount of omega – 3 fatty acids (which is positively impact on the heart) to fight against omega – 6 fatty acids (which can create cholesterol and lead to high blood pressure). It can significantly lower the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood and eliminate it from occupying the artery walls as well as blood vessel. By this methods, it can effectively cut down the likelihood of plaque accumulation and other heart conditions which includes cardiovascular disease. You can see some useful benefits of sardines as well.

  1. Lose weight

Oysters are able to provide you great health benefits without high calories so that you do not have to worry about the weight after consuming oysters. When compared to the serving size of chicken, you will be surprised that oyster only carry about half of the calories and the chicken breast usually offers low calories and high fat content.

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