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New Year Resolutions: How To Take A Different Approach

New year resolutions lxp grow through experience woman light

When there’s a new year coming, we wish each other nothing but love and many blessings for the coming year to each other. Most importantly we lay out our new year resolutions. But here’s a particular perspective and way to look at your new year at the end of December: stay in motion.

Every end of the year we do the same, we recalibrate, we set new goals, we define our new year resolutions, new hopes and jump for new heights. We truly hope for the best. But we have to be real and recognize that nothing in life comes easy. Last year wasn’t easy and even in the coming year you will face challenges, feel hurt, sometimes lost, feel let down, etc.

I just want to say, whatever you do, whatever you go through, make sure you push through to get to the new season, get to the new stage, to get to the next level. Every living thing in life is in motion. From the smallest particle in your body, the seasons going from winter to summer, our planet going full circle, and beyond… the entire galaxy is in motion.

We breath, but sometimes when facing hardships we tend to forget to breath out, we forget to let go, we forget to turn the page, we forget to close certain doors and open new ones. We basically stop and stay stuck in uncomfortable situations. The thing is, if we stop the motion, stop moving, we stop living, you stop enjoying, and we end up breaking our own motion.

My wish for you is; if you went through hell, don’t stop in hell that’s not your destination, if you’ve been heartbroken put yourself in a better position to heal and be loved, if you’ve been lost seek direction don’t stay lost.

If you want to break through, win, succeed, grow, no matter what you want to do next year, make sure you stay in motion. Include that in your new year resolutions.

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