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How To Monitor and Manage Your Workplace (Infographic)

LXP - Lifexpe - women in the workplace How To Monitor and Manage Your Workplace

Curious to know how to monitor and manage workplace?

The Info graphic contains data and facts on employees, their activities during office and what types of activities they do to spend office hours. The facts show that employees are ignorant of what they are assigned in offices. They use internet, social media apps and websites to spend their time. 88% employees have no passion for work and 80% employees sitting on senior managerial positions also lack interest and passion for the work as well. This is a very scary situation that employees are hired to boost the company, its productivity and performance of the employees but they never care about it. The bosses can utilize TheOneSpy monitoring app to monitor their employees and check on what they do when they are assigned big responsibilities and duties.


How To Monitor Your Workplace (Infographic)

How to Monitor and Manage Workplace The Info graphic contains data and facts on employees, their activities during office and what types of activities they do to spend office hours. The facts show that employees are ignorant of what they are assigned in offices. They use internet, social media apps and websites to spend their time. 88% employees have no passion for work and 80% employees sitting on senior managerial positions also lack interest and passion for the work as well. This is a very scary situation that employees are hired to boost the company, its productivity and performance of the employees but they never care about it. The bosses can utilize TheOneSpy monitoring app to monitor their employees and check on what they do when they are assigned big responsibilities and duties. Source: Monitoring Employees in Workplace

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