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Don’t Give Up: How to Find A New Job In The Digital Age

LXP - Lifexpe - paper hire how to find a new job in the digital age - LXP

You’ve been looking for a job for a while now. But you just can’t find a new job? There’s something you should definitely keep in mind: things have changed and things will keep changing. Job seeking has changed too. So you should adapt to the changes to be able to land the new job. It all comes down to; who you know + who/what you should know + what you plan to do  = your value.

First things first: let’s define what we want. Because, when you write things down, you take a huge leap towards finding a solution or even solving them. Think about it: Every great thing from Facebook to the song lyrics, was first worked out on paper.

Why not solve your employment issue the same way? Let’s go:

  • Track Job Search Objectives
    • What are the (known) common objectives of the job type you’re looking for? Google it!
  • Have a Business Card For Networking
    • Raise your chances of being recomended, get to know more people, have target people. Hunt them down, find out how you’re connected and approach them through LinkedIn
  • Must-Have Resume Companion
    • What do you need next to your resume? A (digital) portfolio? How do you prove your work quality – prepare these things beforehand
  • Career Story or Narrative
    • What’s your career story? What are the great things you’ve done in the past or what are the great things you’re planning to achieve within the new company? Have a goal!

Ask the right questions: key to find a new job

Most folks put themselves down during their job search by asking questions that are simply depressing and demotivating. Don’t do that. You’ll ultimately destroy all your chances. You need to be and stay motivated!

Avoid questions like, Why won’t anyone give me a job? or How do I network when I don’t know anyone? Go outside, meet new people. Go to events. Basically get out of your comfort zone to places where you know nobody (but you can bring somebody though).

Instead of putting yourself down, start asking questions that motivate and inspire you as if you’re trying to inspire others.

Here are good questions to ask yourself for better job search results:

  • How can I give someone reason(s) to contact me with job leads?
  • How did the people around me find their current jobs?
  • How could I brainstorm with those people and use their ways and methods? (don’t let your ego skip this one)
  • What worked (or did not work) in my last job hunt? or the job search before?
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Come up with real and attainable answers

After you wrote down the challenging questions, circle the one question that looks most promising. You’re going to use that one to get hired faster.

Let’s say you picked this one: How could I give people a reason to hit me up with good job leads?

Write a number 1 next the phrase. Write a possible answer next to or beneath that number. Then move on to number 2, 3 . and don’t stop until you have at least 10 solid answers to your question. I said 10 answers, not 5… Challenging huh? But how bad do you want to find a new job?

Don’t let your head off the idea. Don’t stop until you get 10 real solutions. Brainstorm as if your life or career depended on the outcome. Actually, it does… Most of your propositions won’t be that good. No big deal. Your best answers may show up after you dig really deep enough into your creative senses.

Repeat the process until hired

Choose the most promising from your list of 10 answers. Then, get going, as soon as possible, to make it happen. No excuses. I mean, you need the job, right? It’s up to you.

Let’s say the most actionable of your solutions is to throw a (networking) party where you can meet friends, family and acquaintances. Don’t be ashamed and let them know that you’re trying to find a new job. After that, take the next most-promising solution from your list and make that one happen. Repeat, repeat and repeat until hired.

Best of luck, my friend!

What do you think?


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