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Remodeling Project Gone Perfect!

Last year when I planned to sell my house, I realized how worse the condition of my house is. No real estate agent was ready to proceed the selling deal on my terms and conditions as my house was not up to the mark of a selling point. I remember one or two of the property agents agreed upon proceeding the deal of my house, yet they were offering a very low price. Finally, I got a very sincere advice from a property dealer who has been in the field for years. He suggested me to make a few changes that will uplift the look of my house and I can get the prices I demanded.

At first, I was not sure whether to take his advice seriously or not, as for me it was just another investment whereas I already needed money. Neglecting the idea of remodeling my house, I continued with the efforts of selling my house and I failed. So, when left with no other option I choose to follow the advice of the expert and started looking for the professional for home remodeling in Cupertino CA.

The real estate agent helped me finding a qualified remodeler who explained me all the necessary changes in detail. Where the industry is full of Quality general contracting companies in Cupertino CA, finding a competent remodeler can be a big task. Thankfully, I got the right ones, the first time. The Key factors of evaluating a remodeler are to look for the experience and the expertise, ask as many questions as you can, also look for the credentials.

One major thing that helped in decided my remodeling project is the portfolio provided by the experts. They have compiled a book that holds the pictures of their remodeling projects from the past. The professionals arranged a meeting with me so that we can discuss in detail what changes can enhance my property. He suggested me various plans with different budgets so that I can decide what to have and what to skip. Yes, of course, I cannot have all the changes at once, i) because of the budget ii) because of the house condition.

Among a number of remodeling options, I choose reflooring and repainting. Today I realized how right my decision was. The new floors enhanced my property like nothing else and with the touch of fresh paints, the value of my property rises magically. Once done with the remodeling, I began to list my house again. But this time the results were surprising. I was being offered a double price for the same house nobody was ready to buy. Though I was in love with my house but selling it had become my necessity. I am happy with the decision, I made a year ago.

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