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Must-Have Free Apps For Working Parents (Infographic)

We all want to have an amazing career; we all want to have a great family life – but unfortunately having both can make it difficult to manage the stress of everything. This infographic from HappyCleans takes you through a range of apps that can help you to take back control of your life.

One of the most basic issues for any working parent is that they need to manage household tasks after a long day at work. We only have so much energy and you’re going to burn out if you take on too much at one time. An app called Chorma may be able to assist you here as it turns doing household tasks into a bit of a competition – one in which the entire family can be involved. It does this with the use of points with every family member claiming chores and earning points for getting tasks done. It may not seem like much of an incentive but we all know how competitive kids can be!

Even when you finally get holidays from work, the stress of planning the family holiday is often more trouble than it’s worth. There is so much to keep track of but an app called TripCase can help you consolidate the mountain of information related to your holiday all on one app. When you arrive in your holiday destination, an app called Playground Buddy can locate the nearest playgrounds from all over the world to keep the kids entertained.

The entire range of apps in the infographic  are free so it is well worth your while to download a few of them to see if they benefit you and your family. If you find them of no use and they’re only stealing some valuable storage space on your smartphone, simply tap the uninstall button. Check out the full infographic now.

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