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Get Set To Rock With Rockabilly Dresses

Get Set To Rock With Rockabilly Dresses

First Impression is the last Impression:

How do you make a lasting impression when you meet someone? Before you actually get down to having a conversation with someone, it is your clothes that say a lot about you. It is important to dress in a way that you are comfortable with what you are wearing but it should also look different so that you get noticed in a crowd. One way of dressing up in a style of your own is by dressing up in Rockabilly and Pin Up dresses. You can adopt a mix and match of vintage and modern fashion trends.


Rockabilly Dresses:

These are dresses inspired by the musicians of the 50s. That was an era of Rock and Roll Music. The musicians had their own unique style which inspired the teenagers of that era. These dresses were all about big, bold prints in bright catchy colors. Girls wore stiletto heels and colored their hair with bright unnatural colors. Tattoos and piercings were a common feature with this ensemble.


Pin Up Dresses:

These are also dresses of the fifties. These mainly for girls. In those days it was a trend for models and actresses to dress up in this style and have their posters made. These pin-up posters were popular both among men and women. This style of dressing highlights the assets of the wearer giving her a sexy look.  Girls generally have curls or puffed up hair for the Pin Up look.


Get Set To Rock With Rockabilly Dresses


Modern adaptation of vintage dressing:

Modern day dressing is a fusion of Rockabilly or Pin Up style with modern styles. A Rockabilly inspired look can be someone wearing a top with bright colors and bold prints with a pair modern day jeans. When a girl is dressing up in Pin Up style, she should take care to see that her look is not too vintage. For instance, she can have a modern hairstyle with a Pin Up dress to tone it down.

There are numerous ways in which an attractive vintage inspired look can be achieved. One could couple bright tops with sober modern day jackets and tunics.  These days a wide variety of fabrics of different textures is available. You can choose from these fabrics and get dresses which will set your own unique style.

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Accessorizing is another important aspect of dressing. It is important to wear the right kind of accessories to achieve the right blend of modern and vintage look.


Availability of Vintage Clothing:

As this style of clothing is gaining popularity, its availability is also becoming simple. These dresses are available in boutiques as well as online portals. There are a number of websites which offer vintage dresses in a wide range of sizes. Manufactures of these dresses, supply retail as well as to wholesalers. Some manufacturers allow you to even suggest your own modifications in design. Vintage style does not mean only items of clothing but it also includes accessories like earrings, handbags, sunglasses etc. Vintage style shoes are also available. Rockabilly dresses are available for men, women, and infants.

So break free from the traditional ways of dressing and step out into the world with your own unique style of dressing.

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