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Best selling Magento Marketplace Scripts Like Amazon, Flipkart

webnexs is one among the best selling Magento marketplace script. There are many good Magento marketplace extensions and scripts already available in the market. But major differences are price and the add-on features of those best picks. These add-on features can boost the functionality of the marketplace.

Most of the businessmen choose Magento as a platform to grow their sales online. It is essential for every businessman and organization to an online marketplace to generate more and more sales online. We all are aware that competing with already reputed online stores is a tedious process for start-up base and it is also the highly challenging task. In a post below we have described the best picks and top 5 Magento marketplace extensions, which can make your process easier comparatively, it will also help you to boost your sales and conversion rate.

1. webnexs Magento Marketplace 

Webnexs Marketplace is another great Magento marketplace scripts, it is a one-step checkout, where seller space is apart from the Magento back-end. It includes Social logins as well as ability to set deals of vendors. It is similar to Magento Marketplace Extension. You can set commission rates of different vendors, approve and accept sellers request, display and view live sales updates and much more. Apart from these, you can also display labels for newly added items.  You can also view dashboard which completely provides sales performance information.

•    Vendor management

•    Vendor groups

•    Checkout modes

•    Vendor Login

•    Vendor Attributes

•    Product management

•    Payment gateways

•    Online transactions

•    Paypal adaptive payments

•    Approving or rejecting items

•    Email notification

2. Ajoft Multi Vendor Marketplace Extension   

Ajoft Multi vendor Marketplace extension is actually a great Magento multivendor extension model with extraordinary features and amazing support. Being one among the best extension support it can easily turn any Magento store into a successful marketplace like Amazon, Flipkart, and snapdeal. AjoftMulti Vendor Marketplace Extension comes with fabulous features as follows

•    Notifications


•    Vendor RMA

•    Orders management

•    Commission management

•    Money back guarantee etc.,

3. Marketplace Multi-vendor

Marketplace multivendor extension has a fabulous design, with the help of this extension you can convert your Magento store into a marketplace.  It has amazing features for seller portal, orders, invoices, options to manage the product catalog, manifest, payments, etc.,  This is a flexible and user-friendly marketplace, it is easy and simple to use. Admin can also manage sellers products, orders, payouts, and commissions. This is a complete package there are several multi vendors extensions available, but picking the best among these extensions is your first step to create and develop best online stores.


4. Vnecoms Marketplace Extensions

Vnecoms marketplace Extensions is enabled with a separate panel for sellers, where sellers can manage their products, invoices, sales, shipment etc., the seller can have complete control over his transaction details from the above-enabled features. It is possible to customize their storefront through your Magento marketplace and completely manage your stores from any mobile devices with a responsive panel. Vnecoms Marketplace Extension has a different variety of reasonable and affordable packages, there is an option for you to choose among them. Admin can group sellers, manage transactions, create custom vendor registration forms at the back-end. You can also set commission rates for each and every different seller groups. It also has a platinum packages which has many additional benefits, it includes vendor reviews, various shipping options, live chat options and many . store owners can buy this marketplace extension for multi-benefits.

5.    Marketz- Multi-Vendor marketplace 

Marketz- the Multi-vendor place is one among the other best extensions. This is one of the best options when you wanting plenty of features at a reasonable prices. The Market cost of Marketz-Multivendor marketplace is comparatively cheaper than its competitors, It’s price is just $ 99  and it has as many features, where most other plugins of similar extensions are provided at the doubled price. The best features of Marketz- Multivendor marketplace are as follows:

•    Managing vendors

•    Managing commissions

•    Assigning categories

•    Set trusted vendors

•    Managing orders

There are many marketplace extensions and scripts available in the market but above mentioned are the best among marketplace scripts with a best reasonable price. To evaluate the features an extension provides a vital extension support of the developers.

To ensure the custom software development company offers support from Magento developers.


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