Quote: “when you die they won’t remember your car or house. They will remember who you were. Be a good human, not a good materialist.”
Two things define you; your patience when you have nothing and your attitude when you have everything. Every material thing, that is.
The materialistic model of life is that where money predominates over everything. Cash sits on the top shelf. The non-materialistic model of life is that where money is just a resource and happiness predominates, joy predominates, love predominates. You know who you are and you know where you are going. Decisions are coming from a good place and are based on love. That liveliness has a conscious meditative quality to it.
You can certainly spoil with materialistic things, but being a good human is about more than that. A good human can spoil with understanding, listening, honesty, loyalty, affection, communication, and these things boil down to happiness. Money and materialistic possessions obviously mean nothing without joy, peace and love. We were made to serve people, not to serve things. Money is all about numbers and unfortunately (or fortunately- depending on how you look at it) numbers never end. If it takes money for you to be happy then your search for happiness will never end. Happiness is never found in materialistic things. It absolutely does exist but cannot be physically possessed. Therefore happiness priceless. It can never be purchased or materialized. Materialistic possessions often cover up what’s broken. Not all the time, but verily, often times. Fix what’s broken, because wrapping it up with money will never work out.
People say that if you have to brag about all the material things in your life, it means that there’s probably not much else in your life but material things. Real succes is doing what you love. Being where you want to be, when you want to be. Plainly living your life how you feel it. Having an ultimate goal or aspiration and being able to accomplish it. And when you love what you have, you have everything you need.
All that matters is your well-being and the well-being of the people you care about.
What do you think?