Quote: “while you are sanitising and wiping everything down, make sure to wipe hatred and jealousy out your heart that’s a virus too.”
While everybody is wiping everything down and worrying about germs or the COVID-19 virus, let’s try wiping hatred and jealousy out of our hearts too. What has hate ever done for us? I’ll wait. Let’s be honest, hate has caused so many problems on this planet, but has not ever solved one yet without sacrificing lives.
I personally don’t believe in hate. To me it’s a waste of time. All the people who spend their time hating actually waste so much of their life’s energy into hating and miss out on all the sheer beautiful things in life. Hate is too great of a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated person. I mean, you could be hated on and not even know it! So, basically, hate does more damage to yourself than it could possibly do to someone else.
No one is born hating another person. And throughout your life you will, of course, be angry about many things. You will also hate a couple of things and maybe people too. But, make sure that is temporary because hate will consume you. And fast.
So, choose kindness. Kindness is always choosing love over hate, light over darkness, on a daily basis.
Happy people don’t spend their time hating on other people. And people who walk around hating aren’t really that happy. Choose happiness.
What do you think?