One of the most confusing things to plan which can turn out to be really satisfying if planned well, is the catering of a wedding. Wedding are big events. Catering for weddings tend to be one of the busiest affairs to get handled. Hence, when you plan it, you have to be extra sure that your plan never backfires. To ensure that you plan the best catering, your choice of catering must be very particular, and definitely well researched resulting in the best hospitality and food and drinks. Needless to say, there would come up a lot of points that have to be discussed with your wedding reception caterer. Moreover, remembering all the points and talking them out may be a mess, if you are not organized. For help, you may use the points discussed below, and this will make you feel sorted in some time.
What Should Be Your Concern When Appointing a Wedding Reception Caterer:
If you are trying to shortlist one from the most reliable and reputed wedding reception caterers in your area, here are some important points which must be checked during the discussion. This will prepare you about what to expect, and the caterer should do. Sometimes things deliberately get overlooked even by the reputed catering companies as they feel the client is not that concerned and won’t notice. Hence discussions will bring this point clearly before the caterer, that you are concerned about all the aspects of food, serving, hospitality, comfort, presentation etc. Thus, they would not let go even a string loose on the occasion.

The points are as follows:
- What would they have in the menu, and how diverse the menu would be.
- What would be there in the menu for vegans, and how distinctly and separately they would be presented before the guests.
- In case they have items in the menu which can be allergic to some people as common food allergy aggravating ingredients, what alternative items they may keep aside to serve those guests.
- The manpower provided by the caterer for serving food and drinks is important as this will decide the time taken for serving and repeating servings.
- What will be the rates for plates eaten by children.
- What will happen to the leftover food.
- When leftover food, and other wastage accumulated during food preparation will have to be disposed then who will take the responsibility, and how things will be disposed.
- Will they be cooking at the venue, or bring cooked food with them.
- What happens if the food falls short due to a rise in the guest count, and how will they manage.
- They are expected to include the cost of carrying the food items or cooked food and utensils etc from their catering office to your place and back again. Yet this needs verbal and written confirmation to avoid unwanted conflicts later.
- Some caterers bring certain items with them, which you otherwise would have hired from a decorator. It’s important that you ask about such small things beforehand and save your expenses by not getting in double.
Most of these points need a good discussion, so that you feel sorted. Last moment worries and challenges can be totally avoided when you work over these points from the beginning.
The Budget
Last but not the least, the budget should be considered even if you can afford any amount. That’s because processing plans through a budget always keeps a control on things and makes the caterer count and plan well. And when you really are a budget person, you must watch out that your caterer doesn’t become the reason for over expenses in the wedding.
What do you think?