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Top 6 Destinations to Celebrate Valentine’s Day this Year

france Paris travel destination love city trip

As the season of love is approaching near, you have started thinking of what to do for your beloved? Don’t go for the usual things like watching movies, dinners and champagne. It’s time you impress your love with a romantic getaway. Sounds exciting right? We suggest you do something extra special this valentine’s day and plan a trip to some exotic destination. The best gift you can give your partner on the day of love is to travel together, just the two of you. Trust us; it is one of the best investments you could make in your love life.

Thinking where to go? Don’t worry, depending upon your budget we have sorted 6 beautiful cities with things to do, where you can make some beautiful memories together and cherish them forever. With air tickets so cheap you can easily travel to these remarkable cities. Do have fun on valentine’s day but remember: Love is something that should be practiced every day of the year and is not meant to be given or received on just one single day.

1. San Francisco

Things To Do: Rock climbing, boating, surfing and mountain biking.

One of the best cities on earth, San Francisco, is where you should take your spouse this V-Day. With such stunning hilly terrain, breathtaking scenic beauty, and renowned restaurants, this city offers unusual things for a great romantic getaway. Opt for adventure activities or just stroll on the roads of this place, it will surely bring your partner close to you.

2. Alleppey

Things To Do: kayaking, boat racing, swimming and archeological exploration.

Alleppey is known as the abode of love in God’s own country, Kerala. If you prefer to spend some quality time with your partner, then opt for this city. As we all know, love is not always about expressing yourself but sometimes being silent has much more impact. So while enjoying the houseboats cruises in the backwaters, let all your feelings dwell inside your heart.


Things To Do: River cruise, wine tasting, bike tours and hiking.

Imagine kissing at the most iconic constructions in the world, Eiffel Tower? Yes, it can be possible, take your partner to one of the most romantic places this V-Day. Let the feeling of romance and love linger all around you as Paris is a city where everyday is Valentine’s Day!

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4. Shimla

Things To Do: Paragliding, mountain biking, skiing and golfing.

Spend this valentine’s day by traveling to the dreamy destination. Shimla. This place is full of love and excitement and the best part about Shimla is that this city is well connected with various other cities of North India. With such dramatic views of alluring mountains and clouds, there is no other place as stunning as this.

5. Amsterdam

Things To Do: Canoeing, tandem riding, horse riding and skating

Amsterdam is a city which is famous for all seasons. Be it the wind, snow or rain, this place has something or the other for everyone to do and see. So don’t miss this golden chance to woo your sweetie by visiting the most romantic destination.


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6. Pondicherry

Things To Do: Horse riding, surfing, bodyboarding and scuba diving.

No, not Goa, instead take your partner to Pondicherry for a romantic beach getaway. Once you step into this beautiful piece of land, you will surely wonder whether it’s India or France. It is indeed a quaint little place which you can cover in one day. But if you wish to unwind yourself from the usual city life, book your tickets to Pondicherry right away.

So tell us which city are you taking your sweetheart this valentine’s day? You should visit one of these 6 cities and embrace it’s charm if you want to be blessed with everlasting love. Happy Valentines Day!

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