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How your home interiors reflect your lifestyle

  • There’s nothing like staying at home for real comfort

Home Decor
Quoting Jane Austin, it is absolutely true that home is that one comfortable place we run to after a day full of struggles. But in today’s time, “house” is not something for mere comfort; it is now being seen as a social status. The concept of “Luxury Living” has made every person ‘lifestyle conscious.’ The idea of “perfect home” has not only become a matter of status that reflects your style, but it also is the extension to one’s personality, or something one could flaunt about.

With all the new trends that are emerging, home designing and styling became an essential to express oneself, as if narrating a story through design. Homes have now started being objectified into a possession that reflects your social status and personality.

  • Your House, Your Identity

Your House, Your Identity
The shift of status of home from being comfortable living space to luxury area was earlier only associated with the hospitality industry. There are many innovative materials that are now being explored in this luxury living era. While your house narrates a story, your furniture too, is a piece of art in itself. Art has been increasingly used to define and modify the area, so as to add a touch of elegance, impudence and chic to the final thing.

It is now essential to design and add finishing, to one’s personal space, according to the hottest, trendiest and most fashionable of finishes, fittings, furnishings, fixtures, furniture, etc., according to the luxury home trends. The easy availability of hi-end, customized designer furniture, the furnishings, modular kitchens and bath fittings help one to easily modify their place to some ultra luxurious space, has been created to purely reflect one’s social standing. With the latest technology, even the roofs, like the ones by the Best Roofing Contractors in Maryland, have adapted a luxury outlook.

  • Home Interiors reflect your personality and sense of art

Home Interiors
The ability of the present generation to identify, attain and arrange the unique, hand-picked objects for their space enhances ones reflection in their home. This does not only speak of their aesthetic sense, taste and style, but also increases their social status. These personal classy touches, reflect personality, profession and position in society while also boosting the interiors of their luxury spaces.

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A person whose house is full of artefacts from around the globe, immediately gives an impression of being somebody who has travelled a lot, somebody who does not hesitate to loosen his pocket to make his house look socially desirable and hence somebody who is affluent. This example fits today’s generation the best. Youth today believes in a comfortable personal space which flaunts their eclectic styles, telling about their exploring nature.
It is believed that for a person who is supposedly organized, has a house that is more spacious and clean. They avoid cluttering stuff and have a house with lots of storage. While for the people who love being outdoors, their homes are full of plants.
It is extremely important to show what you are inside, in your house decor. The concept of luxury homes does not only help you to raise your social status without saying a word yourself, but also gives you a platform to show who you really are.
According to a psychologist, Professor Gosling, there are three broad ways in which we express ourselves in our own personal space and how it affects our lifestyle. Our homes also help us to reflect the changes we go through in our lives.

1. Claiming your identity
We use our homes to make a deliberate and a decisive statement about ourselves, be it of our social status, financial status or merely our personality. These can be called ‘identity claims’ as they reflect our attitudes, goals, values, roles and priorities. We may even use our homes to display cultural iconography, our photographs with our partner or certain books we want people to see. These are generally found in the public space of our homes, the area where we are trying to tell the visitor ‘this is who I am and this is what matters to me’.

2. Choosing our thoughts and feelings
In our homes, there are different areas where we wish to feel differently. For example, while we want our living room to look welcoming to everybody, we do not want the same for our bed room. As the priority and the family dynamics change, what we expect from our space also change. Every room portrays a different emotion and is for a different purpose.
Putting up pictures of you grandparents, parents, spouse, children or even pets show that you miss the memories you’ve had with them, while most of us do not even think explicitly about using pictures about this purpose.

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3. Traces of behaviour
“Behavioural residue” is the resultant of our personal space. It is a subconscious way of affecting our space that surrounds our living. Our space gives hints of our behaviour to the on-looker.
It can be observed from things as minute as the way we arrange our books or maybe the cutlery. The extra toilet rolls in the bathroom cabinet or even the arrangement of DVD’s. It all reflects the choices you’ve made purposefully.

Our home is important to us for many reasons. It does not only help us to reflect our every choice but also the change and important milestone of our lives. Our homes are not merely a place where we enjoy our family time and relax, but in the course of everyday behaviour, and both conscious and subconscious choices, it is also an indication of the things that we value and how these valuables of our lives change with time.

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