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Create a Disney Inspired Garden for Your Kids

Throughout the years of pure, sincere commitment to watching Disney movies (hey, we too were kids once upon a time!), what would you say we have learned? Well, if nothing else, we sure have discovered that a hint of magic and a little bit of dreaming will get you just the right amount of sparkle to enjoy the beauty of life. This poetry behind Disney wisdom has always been a force powerful enough to instill even the coldest of hearts with hope and emotion, waking up their deepest sentiments of goodness and warmth. But that’s not all; with Disney aesthetics pictured in numerous films, we’ve collectively adopted a very refined set of tastes and have been trying to imitate it ever since –be it through fashion (yes, you gorgeous ballroom gown and tiara, we’re looking at you!), accessories, interior design or outdoor décor.

Now that our kids are grown, they’ve inherited the same passion for Disney we once had, only upgraded. With that in mind, creating a wonderful private Disneyland for your kid may be just the thing to do and help them nurture their imagination even further by participating in a whimsical scenario on daily basis!

Here, we’re giving you a few tips that’ll help you turn your yard from dull to magical in a matter of days:

Pint-Sized Princess Playhouses

If your baby girl is into Snow White- and Cinderella-style décor, make her a ready-built playhouse every bit as enchanting as an in-film Disney scenario. Opt for whimsical colors in doors, stain or paint the roof shingles, and then embellish tiny, pre-cut painted wooden window boxes with real (fake also works) flowers.Make sure the playhouse is surrounded with decorative edging, flowers and bushes. You can go an extra mile and add cute garden accents like woodland creatures.

Passion Projects for the Fam

Whoever said Disney was for kids only, well – was in the wrong. When you are starting from scratch and still looking for design inspiration, make sure you think of your family’s favorite hobbies first. Why wouldn’t you create an oasis of wonder, whimsy and magic for everyone to enjoy!For instance, build a miniature railroad and golf course for the adults and then surround it with Disney characters for the kids.The entire family will have a cohesive outdoor space, and everyone will be able to enjoy it! Oh, and – you want to hear the (almost) best part? With landscaping services hired to maintain your Disney corner, you won’t have to do anything but enjoy your cold lemonade and your kids’ laughter!

Read next:   The Importance Of Using A Licensed Plumber

Make a Scene

You know those plain fence pieces, just dangling around, looking eww? Turn them into a masterpiece mural, modeled after the King Triton one at The Little Mermaid (if your kid’s a fan of Ariel, of course).

It’s easy to make! Just divide your chosen design among removable sections of outdoor-grade canvases or plywood or – even simpler – put your chosen design directly onto the fence and draw. By using a marker, pencil or chalk to freehand the design you’ll easily draw everything out. You can also use a projector to get the picture in place. To enjoy your fabulous Disney mural for years, use the appropriate exterior paint and sealer for your conditions… and, voila!

Combine Colors Fearlessly

An easy way to inject color into your outdoor scenario is to use it in seating; your mismatched flea-market furniture or that old dining room set will easily be transformed into fanciful outdoor seating if you just grace it with a little bit of imagination. Buy new paint or use leftover exterior colors, and go play!You can always re-paint it if you change your mind, right? To give your space an even more intriguing touch consider buying outdoor rugs that will serve as a connective tissue to the whole setting. The color and design that you choose should complement the rest of the space.

Water Fun on Dry Land

If your kids are into seafaring adventures, they’ll love having their next sea adventure in their backyard! Turn a wooden rowboat or decommissioned sailboat into a fantasy outdoor play space or sandbox. If you don’t have a pool, surround the setting with blue flowers imitating water: morning glory, hydrangeas, blue thimble, globe thistle, blue delphinium or Forget-me-nots are all amazing options. Let’s place a bet that, with this scenario, your kids will be enjoying hours of “high-seas” fun!



Play with Food

Well, well… for all of you foodies out there, giving your yard a makeover that looks like the Pizza Planet diner in Disney’s Toy Story may just be the most deliciouuuu… ooops, we meant to say the most awesome idea ever! The idea is very easy to turn into reality – just paint adult- and kid-size picnic tables in bright colors and stain your deck. Following, add stainless accents like chairs, lamps and various servings, and throw in a prep station and a pizza maker. Go into a full craft project by creating your family restaurant sign (e.g. your “restaurant’s” name) and invite the neighborhood kids over for a slice! If pizza isn’t your thing, you can go with any other kind of restaurant.

We hope our ideas helped! We are happy to hear what options you’ve turned to for inspiration. Good luck!

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