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4 Tips to Clean the Drains with Natural Ingredients

4 Tips to Clean the Drains with Natural Ingredients

Blocked and foul smelling drains are the worst nightmare that we can have. Imagine getting up in the morning, going to the bathroom only to be welcomed with a stench coming from the drain, and you feel nauseous. There are many DIY tricks which you can use for cleaning the blocked drains, and for better results, it is always advisable to consult with the professionals. But apart from this, you can try out the DIY methods to get your drains and sewage pipes unblocked.


Effective ways to clean and unblock a foul-smelling drain

While you clean the drains, it is also important to go for the environment friendly methods, otherwise, you can actually pollute your surrounding and the chemical effects can also choke your throat or give rise to several other medical ailments. So it is important to choose the effective drain cleaning techniques which are herbal, organic and which do not have any adverse effect on the pets or on the human beings:


LXP - Lifexpe Happy Woman Using Plunger In Kitchen Sink At Home


  1. Use baking soda and vinegar combination: The best drain cleaning tips are available in your own kitchen, and you can simply use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar from your kitchen to clean the drains. Take half cup baking soda, mix some vinegar and boiling water into it, and then pour this mixture into the blocked drain. Let it settle for some minutes, then gradually you will find a hissing and oozing sound, due to the working of the soda. After this, simply pour down plain water into the drain, to get rid of the dirt and hair roots.


  1. You can use a coat hanger or a sink plunger to clean the blocked drains: Among the several DIY tips, you can simply use the coat hanger or the sink plunger to scoop out the dirt and debris from the inside of the drain. It is also important to get hold of a good quality drain cleaning plunger to use slight force to clean and unblock the drain. These are two of the most basic drain cleaning instruments that you can use for keeping your drain clean and dry.
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  1. Use lemon or orange and hydrogen peroxide to clean the drain: Among some of the most natural and organic methods to clean the drain, you can use lemon juice or orange juice along with hydrogen peroxide. As this solution readily unclogs the drain by softening the dirt and debris, you can then pour hot water into the drain and it will be cleared off very easily. But you must see that you do not use excess of hydrogen peroxide as it can bleach and corrode the sides of the drain. Simply using lemon juice will also do, and you can use ripe orange to unclog the drain fast. This is an easy as well as an organic and safe method to clean and unclog the drain.


  1. Water flushing technique to clean and unblock the drain: You can take a small instrument from a hardware store, which is used for clearing out the debris from the inside of the drain. Apart from this, you can carry on with few phases of hot water flushing that actually cleans the drain in few moments.


It is also important how you apply the hot water, so to get better results you can simply use a jet of hot water and not a spray, so that the drain can get unclogged very fast.


If all these tricks do not work well, then you can take help from professional drain cleaning agencies to get rid of the blocked drains.

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